Saturday, January 13, 2024

Linux Fundamental

Can use any linux distribution, I use Ubuntu Server 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish)

okay let's go

1. File Hierarchy

slash is like C in windows OS, yes... file system. root directory of the entire file system.

Like the picture above, u can practice it. in the "/" contain some folders (blue color) and file(white color).

2. Navigating File 

-Absolute Path : always starts with "/" (enter the root directory first)
example :

-Relative Path : not necessarily start with "/" (just customize with path location)
example :


pwd : prints the full name (the full path) of current/working directory

ls is a Linux shell command that lists directory contents of files and directories





3. Creating File & Directory 

touch : used to create a new empty file and to change the timestamps of existing file
example :



mkdir :
used in Linux to create a new directory/folder



4. File Manangement

cd: used to change the current directory of the terminal






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